Enjoy using these mantras as you practice self-care and positive perception this month. Share any of your mantras in the comments below.
My heart is filled with gratitude for all that I have and all that is coming.
My body is sacred and I will take care of it during the holidays.
I honor myself and the decisions that I have made.
I put my energy into things that matter to me.
I appreciate the abundance in my life and allow myself to expand in gratitude, success, and joy everyday.
#yogaflowandfitness #yogaflowandfitnessinalabama #novembermantras #yogamantrasfornovember #gratitudemantras #yogagratitudemantras #gratefulinnovember #novemberaffirmations #yogaaffirmationsaboutgratitude #yogainstructorinalabama #yogateacherinalabma #yogainstructorinbirminghamalabama #inhomeyogasessionsinalabama #thanksgivingyoga